Monday, February 11, 2008

The Wait Begins!

Hey guys! Just wanted to fill you in on our wonderful news. On February 1st, our paperwork arrived in Ethiopia! We were told that it would take anywhere from 2-3 weeks in Washington DC, at the Ethiopian Embassy, but it only took 1 week. Yay!! Now the wait for a picture and travel finnally begins. It could be anywhere from 3-9 months before we get a referral, but currently the average wait is 3 1/2 - 5 1/2 months. This means that we could travel as early as July and as late as December. It is so amazing that she will actually be here this year ~ 2008! We cannot wait to finnally get to see a picture of the little girl we have been praying about for so long, and to meet her! Please pray for us during this wait, because I know it will seem like an eternity, but know that she will be ours in God's perfect timing. Please also pray that we raise the remainder of the funds needed. We will owe $6,000 on referral, and then our travel to Ethiopia, which will be approximately $6,000 also. He has provided this far and know He will continue to. Thanks for all your support!
Seeking Him,


LISA said...

Kristy, Congrats on having your dossier in Ethiopia!! Exciting isn't it??Ours has been there 9 weeks, hopefully some referrals will be coming soon!!

Annie said...

What great news to have your dossier in Ethiopia! Congrats! One more step on this long road done!

Erica said...

Horray! This is exciting news! I'm just thrilled for you all.