Wednesday, September 26, 2007

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Why Africa???

I have had many people ask me why we chose to adopt from Africa...
The answer is...
*Africa is one of the poorest countries in the world.
*There is a huge need for people to step up, and take these needy, orphaned children into their homes.
*The mortality rates in Ethiopia are among the highest in the world, which leaves thousands of orphaned children in need of loving homes.
*Over 5 million children are orphaned due to poverty, war, and drought.
*Life expectancy: Men 46 years Women 49 years
*1 in 3 Africans have clean water.
*2,000 people die everyday, mostly children.
*Hope to raise awareness of Africa's orphans, so others may feel the calling to adopt.
*I just have a huge passion for Africa!
*The Ethiopian people are beautiful!!
James 1:27

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I Would Gather Children

Some would gather money Along the path of life,

Some would gather roses, And rest from worldly strife;

But, I would gather children From among the thorns of sin,

I would seek a golden curl, And a freckled, toothless grin.

For money cannot enter In that land of endless day,

And roses that are gathered Soon will wilt along the way.

But, Oh, the laughing children, As I cross the sunset sea,

And the gates swing wide to heaven I can take them in with me. 


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Shrek and Dronkey!!

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Braylon at the pool.
This is Izaiah's 1st day of preschool! He is really enjoying it.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Good News!!
Braylon has started using the potty! I finally stopped procrastinating, and started working at it very hard this morning. In the beginning he showed no interest in it, but once he used the potty, he was so proud of himself. He went all day and only had one accident (that was when daddy was watching him, LOL!). I am very surprised that he is doing so well. If you know Bray, then you understand why I'm surprised! Hopefully he will keep this up. I'm ready to be out of diapers for a little while!

Ethiopia Bound!

Hi All,
Just wanted to keep everyone updated on where we are in our adoption journey to our daughter.
We have completed our homestudy and are now starting our dossier. Hooray! For those not familiar with the adoption process, the dossier is all the paperwork that will be sent to the country you are adopting from. Documents included are birth certificates, police letters, doctor's letters, employement letters, financial statements, pictures, ect... We had to have most of these documents in our homestudy, but these are just more detailed and have to be notarized. We are having to move slow through this because a new law is going into effect in Ethiopia this October. This law requires 3 years between your youngest child and the child being adopted. We can't get anything notarized until November, when Braylon is 2 1/2 yrs. We won't be able to send our dossier to Ethiopia until January, which means we could get a referral by May, and could travel in July!! We are so excited! We can't wait to get her home! It is amazing to think that our daughter is probably now in her birth mother's womb, and that God is creating her just for us. Izaiah is getting so excited. He prays for her everyday. It is so sweet! Please specifically pray that we raise the remainder of the funds needed, $15,000. Also, pray for the birth mother's health. We appreciate all your prayers!